Woman in a yellow dress

The woman in a yellow dress. 

It was an odd shape. Something you'd see out of a rip off, low budget, poorly produced 60s movie. 

However, she was smiling. Her arm gently around her partner's. 

Probably the biggest smile I'd seen in my life. 

I'd seen a lot of smiles. But hers was just different. 

It stood out just as much as her yellow dress did in the midst of the dull, grey Tokyo around me. 

"Wow, she must make her life so lovable".

She knows what she loves and surrounds herself in it. 

How wonderful it must be to be her today. 

I want to smile like her. 

Milliseconds later she had my head running with all the things I love. 

"Maybe I choose to love things" 

Maybe lots of people do. 

Not many I assume are born with the gift of knowing what they love. Right? 

"I want to remember her forever"

I don't usually feel this way about strangers. 

I think I decide to love things based off others' opinions on what they love. I've been influenced in my own love. 

Although, I think perception plays a part in this. 

You see, I tend to look at the whole picture and dig at it, trying to find something that I love. 

Whether that be a movie, song, picture, clothing, people, and situations. 

I'm flexible to love. However I wonder, 

Is that a choice I make? 

I don't understand how my mind works sometimes.

There aren't any words to explain the sequence of my thoughts.

I can't tell if I'm choosing to love something or if my brain is wired just to naturally find something to love. 

I wish for three things. 

I wish there were a magic number of how many things you should love out of the whole picture to be able to say you love the picture. A limit, a law on love, so I don't become flexible and end up loving ever part. Because, if I love it all, then what do I truly love?

I wish there were a rulebook for this. Something I can refer to instead of going down a spiral of my own thoughts that I don't even understand to begin with. 

A book titled "How to Know You love it". 

Last but not least, I wish I had the gift of loving a bright yellow dress in the dull grey ocean.


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