Forgive Me - A Poem

Sometimes love hurts. Sometimes love is cruel. 

But whatever happened to the "love" that made you, you?

The person who found love for their favourite toy?

Replaced in what feels like a day, for some boy. 

The idea of love is confusing for many. 

Especially when it feels like you never gave yourself any 

When I fell in love for the very first time, it hurt and I didn't possibly know why 

I fell for their eyes, and smile, and the way that they speak

the way that whatever they did, made my knees go weak 

Now that love is gone, I'm not left with the hurt 

I'm just now left being always strangely alert

Scared of all accidental the love I could give 

When all that was needed was guidance to forgive 

Forgive me for making that one little choice 

Forgive me for falling for stupid boys 


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