What Happens Now? Part I

I'm going to take you on a journey. 

I recently heard in a movie, "13 going on 30" that made me not regret a single mistake I had ever made. 

It was as if all of these heavy emotions were light as a fog. I had just made it seems like it was heavily raining. 

The quote was, "Because if I hadn't made them, I wouldn't have learned how to make things right".

A few days ago, on a regular Friday, I was fired. 

Truthfully, I saw this coming. 

I really enjoyed my job but there was a large part of me that knew I would thrive in whatever I chose to do and that this job had just happened out of nowhere conveniently. 

I guess it is true how they say the way you gain something is how you lose it. 

The way I was so easily able to get this job, I was able to lose it so easily too. 

And I know it's inevitable to lose a job but I wish I was more upset when I was fired. 

I was emotionless. I cried and felt stressed as I need a new job, but that was it. 

So for the best few days, I've been thinking nonstop about what I want to do. 

How I want to thrive. Watching movies and relaying them with my own personal life is something I have always enjoyed as a child and now. 

That is how I came across this quote and thought to myself, this is a chance to make things right. 

So now for the first time, I am on a search for something I can fight for and will cry for if I get fired. 

Something I can put my heart and soul into and not let go of so easily. 

I started this blog in February, right when I decided I wanted to get into Journalism and writing. 

I know I am far from being the best writer but I'm tired of not trying to be the best at anything. 

I am striving to be my best right now.

I've applied to a few writing positions and am going to be publishing something once a day just to gain traction for this blog, and also for this blog to become a digital portfolio. 

I am going to be writing about anything and everything. If you have anything you would like for me to write about please do let me know! 

I hope you are able to join me on this journey. 

Let's see what happens now. 



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